Friday, July 10, 2009

I love my hubby!


I love my husband! He is sexy and sweet, kind and compassionate, gentle and caring!  He is devoted to whatever he sets his mind to, sticking to it firmly until he is no longer needed for that service.  He is the most steadfast person I have ever met, always following through!  He is fun and playful, he makes me laugh, even when I am pissed off and dont want to. His charm always breaks down my walls!  I appreciate him so much more than i know how to show him, hoping that one day soon I will be able to. He is my dearest best friend and always guides me back to my relationship with God, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, never letting me forget that that is what my true desire is, the loving, reciprocating relationship with the Lord of my heart.  He humbles me, because he is so much more humble than I, sometimes leaving me alone with my own big fat ego who thinks it knows so much. he never gets mad about it though. Oh, he gets mad, but never at anyone in and of itself, but more at himself for his part he played in the drama. Luckily he is quick to forgive and is kind not only with other but with himself as well.  Today i am truly feeling a deep appreciation for him and had to write it down.    I love him.



  1. You have a beautiful family. I am looking forward to following your blog!


  2. HI Tammy!!!!!! So good to "see" you!!!! Thankyou, I love my little family, they are wonderful people!
